新闻 2021年11月8日


Simon Jones and his team have spent five years creating a green and clean fleet solution to address bus network congestion issues.


2021年7月, 昆士兰的布里斯班市, 澳大利亚被正式选为2032年奥运会和残奥会的主办城市, 标志着奥运会在2000年悉尼奥运会32年后重返澳大利亚. 每个人都很兴奋,这是可以理解的,但没有人比雅各布斯项目经理西蒙·琼斯更兴奋. 为什么? Because Simon and his team have spent the past five years guiding 布里斯班地铁 to find solutions to their bus network congestion issues, 和新的, 改进后的公交系统将展示其先进性, 世界舞台上的绿色交通解决方案. 一旦完成, 布里斯班地铁 will deliver new and improved infrastructure and a designed 布里斯班地铁 and bus network that will provide more travel options with easy links between bus and train services for Brisbane.

布里斯班地铁快速公交(BRT)计划将引入新的 电池电动,双铰接式车辆 (the first of their kind in Australia) that have zero tailpipe emissions and involves a redesign of the public transport network. 21公里(13英里)的现有公交系统将被改造, 包括一条新的市中心隧道和升级布里斯班文化中心的现有车站. 更新后的网络将移动该地区的1.6 million people daily and will help to ensure that the area is more than ready to host the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

正规博彩十大网站排名团队拥有260多名建筑师, 交通规划者, 环境专业人士, 以及工程师(包括土木工程师), 结构, 机械, 电, 消防与生命安全, 智能交通系统, 系统及岩土工程), 许多分包顾问为该项目的各个方面提供了一系列服务. 


雅各布斯团队怎么样, 担任布里斯班市议会技术顾问, 努力提高这种高容量, 高频公共交通系统?

In 2016, 正规博彩十大网站排名 began the process by analyzing options and developing an innovative solution to solve the congestion issues. 我们的技术文件支持联邦和地方政府的资金申请, and in 2018 the project was designated as ‘High Priority’ by Infrastructure Australia (Australia’s independent national infrastructure advisor).

然后我们的260多名专业人员开始工作. 雅各布斯支持该委员会为该项目做好市场准备, 与员工和其他利益相关者密切合作. We prepared a Reference Design for procuring an Alliance contract for infrastructure design and construction components.

想看看布里斯班市中心的新设计方案? 看看主要的首页.


Our 交通规划者 are collaborating 关闭ly with the client’s officers to deliver a new 布里斯班地铁 and bus network that will future proof Brisbane city. 公交车站起着枢纽的作用, 将人们连接到新的高容量车辆上,并到达他们的最终目的地. 

We also worked with the client’s officers to conceptualize a new system that will provide advanced information on expected bus order and “time to arrival” to customers across all 18 stations. We’re currently working with project stakeholders to create new operating policies and procedures to improve overall efficiencies.

该团队为新的布里斯班地铁车站开发了概念设计,其中包括新的充电设施, a workshop and administrative buildings — all designed to support the clean and green fleet of 60 new battery electric vehicles. 我们成功的关键是抓住仓库操作员的需求, 优化功能布局,同时为未来的车队扩展设计.  

Additional fleet activities included developing charging solutions and 电 supply concepts for four end of route layover facilities and, 在仓库内部, 25米(82英尺)长, 电池电动双铰接式车辆.


一个功能, 为绿色和清洁的车队提供专用仓库,对实现委员会的目标至关重要. 我们的设计提供了容纳的能力, maintain and operate transport for the 布里斯班地铁 fleet; enable maintenance, charging and cleaning of the fleet to corporate standards; and provide accommodation for drivers and onsite staff (including recruitment and training facilities). 仓库建设将提供170个工作岗位, 一旦完成, 该设施将容纳, 为布里斯班地铁车队的60辆车充电并提供服务.

新的最先进的布里斯班地铁车站可以看到 这个视频.


委员会对这个交通项目有一些具体的环境目标, 雅各布斯做到了所有这些. 一旦完成, the 布里斯班地铁 depot will achieve a 5-Star Green (Australian Best Practice) Star rating as certified by the Green Building Council of Australia. 首页美学将是首要考虑的问题, 对街景有积极的贡献,并减轻任何不利的视觉影响. 最后, 我们的解决方案最大限度地减少对环境的影响, 包括噪音水平, 以及对空气和水质以及动植物的负面影响.

绿色船队是未来的发展方向, and 正规博彩十大网站排名 is thrilled to be supporting Brisbane City Council in improving (and greening) their system and helping get the city ready for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.